Protect your personal information! Use MaskMy.Name WHOIS Privacy to keep your domain registration private.

Welcome to MaskMy.Name

Posted on 27 Sep 08

Welcome to MaskMy.Name!

MaskMy.Name is a WHOIS privacy service for domain name owners. We specialize in bulk WHOIS privacy services, but provide packages starting as low as $5 per year. Whether you own one or one-thousand domains, MaskMy.Name WHOIS privacy can provide you peace of mind that your domain registration details are protected from public scrutiny.

Once you sign up, we provide you with a unique pseudonym, including an address, telephone, and email to use when registering domains. MaskMy.Name will forward emails sent to your public address to the private address kept on file – your email address is never revealed.

Keep your information private – keep your personal information out of your public domain registration with MaskMy.Name WHOIS Privacy.

Contact us to find out more.